Tft Display For Car - Factory, Suppliers, Manufacturers from China

DWIN is the leading enterprise in the URAT screen industry and highly recognized by customers, DWIN contains main businesses: ASIC, LCMs, ODM design, CTP and medical power module.
DWIN attaches great importance to product development and technical innovation, and its R & D team has more than 150 staffs, in order to improve the low efficiency, DWIN proposed enterprise organization flatness as a new management strategy.
DWIN, headquartered in Zhongguancun, Beijing, is a leading manufacturer of serial displays, delivering cutting-edge technology in the realm of HMI touchscreen solutions. DWIN specialize in ASIC, Smart DGUS serial LCDs, System development board (Android and Linux), ODM design, TFT LCD, touch panel, medical power adapters, etc.

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